


Web Journal Wednesday 18th April 2007

1. This was an extraordinary day of mass murder in Iraq with hundreds killed by bombs. One has to consider the daily carnage in Iraq against similar bombings and murders elsewhere such as that which occurred on the campus of Virginia Tech Monday morning. George Bush went to Virginia Tech to participate in a multifaith religious ceremony paying respect to the 30+ students and faculty murdered. While I think this is a terrible tragedy, I have to also think about what a terrible tragedy impacts Iraq daily and all the friends and relatives of those killed or injured whose lives are altered.

These attacks in Iraq would not be happening if the US, UK and others had not invaded Iraq on false pretexts as occurred four years ago. These bombings however unjustified are still the result of this invasion. Without that invasion they would not exist. How much thought and concern has George Bush, Tony Blair and others given to what they have done to Iraq? The sources of violence in every part of the world need to be examined in great detail to determine objectively their causes in order to steer a different course to avoid such carnage in the future.

The US military arrive thinking that it can overwhelm with power and all will acquiesce to its demands and control. The invasion rolled into Iraq and succeeded spectacularly, but then the US military forgot to protect the country immediately and lost it all although the military forces moved fast to secure the oil fields. It was easy to see where priorities lay. Over four years later Iraq is a tragic mess beyond comprehension.

Over six years ago in February 2001 former US Marines Colonel Vine, Lt Harry Bird and others rolled into North Kensington thinking that they could conquer and control with the use of their highly sophisticated surveillance technology immediately. Early on Lt Harry Bird thought that I would do a runner after he abused me with the surveillance technology in Holland Park one weekend day. He showed up the following Monday evening (initially he wasn't here 24/7 but that changed quickly) apologising to everyone stating "I thought he would do a runner." The US Marines had arrived, set up a beachhead in North Kensington and expected everyone to turn around and run away.

They too are still at it having turned what was already a mess into a catastrophe. The US Marines are those who are trained and break things and kill as one of them described when they were moving on a city in Iraq which was the centre of insurgency. They are not trained to do anything else. This is quite obvious from all that Lt Harry Bird, aka Rocket Man, says. He thinks the way to solve a difficult problem is to destroy everything which he has stated by referring to his desire to send a missile into my flat. I think he'd like to have tank support in North Kensington. Wouldn't that look great?

North Kensington is now the site of a US Marines frontal assault on the sovereignty of the UK. Tony Blair should have known by the disaster that was occurring in North Kensington for two years prior to the invasion of Iraq what would result from such an invasion. He had two years of failure by the US Marines right at his doorstep as an example. I certainly set him enough correspondence so that he should have been fully informed. I wonder if he realises that what the US is doing in Iraq, the US is also doing in the UK?

BBC News Wednesday, 18 April 2007, 21:06 GMT 22:06 UK

Up to 200 killed in Baghdad bombs

A US troop "surge" has not stopped insurgent attacks

Nearly 200 people have been killed in a string of attacks in Iraq's capital, Baghdad - the worst day of violence since a US security operation began.

In one of the deadliest attacks of the last four years, some 140 people were killed in a car bombing in a food market in Sadriya district.

A witness said the area had been turned into "a swimming pool of blood".

The attacks came as PM Nouri Maliki said Iraqi forces would take control of security across Iraq by the year's end.

As the number of people killed in the Sadriya market bombing continued to climb, Mr Maliki called the perpetrators infidels and ordered the detention of the Iraqi army commander responsible for security in that area.

"This monstrous attack today did not distinguish between the old and young, between men and women," he said.

"It targeted the population in a way that reminds us of the massacres and genocide committed by the former dictatorship."

US Defence Secretary Robert Gates said the attacks were "a horrifying thing," but said insurgents would not derail the ongoing security drive in Baghdad.

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