


Web Journal Monday 5th March 2007

If you've got a grudge against a neighbour and want revenge and retaliation, call the ambulance services to have them remove this object of hatred by force and violence. If you think this is a bit much, read on about the people who have been doing this for many years 24/7:

1. While the large rise in the ambulance services emergency call outs might be attributable to the ending of GP out-of=hours calls, there are other problems involving deliberate false calls to the emergency services which could but are not dealt with properly to stop this kind of abuse. BS including others associated with her and the flat below from at least August 1998 and then Lt Harry Bird and his colleagues from February 2001 have been calling the emergency services thousands of times on a false basis each and every time. This has included the ambulance service as well as the police and Fire Brigade.

The ambulance personnel have gotten exasperated at so many nonsense call outs on an emergency basis. When they arrive and learn that the call is for me to be removed from my home by their force and violence because of absurdly false allegations, they usually say politely that they cannot do such a thing. Others who have been called any number of times about something that does not exist and pertains to someone else other than the person making the call have done things like "All right. I'll walk around outside. If I don't hear anything, I'm leaving." More recently personnel associated with an ambulance call out said loudly below my front window "I cannot tell you how many times I've been called here" to a colleague.

Long ago the Fire Brigade had to tell Lt Harry Bird not to call them until he was actually ready to have me removed from my home. They were seething at being called simply because Lt Harry Bird, BS and others like them wanted to use an emergency service as part of their harassment campaign to instill fear in me. This was a terrible misdirection of the emergency services especially the Fire Brigade at a great expense to the taxpayer with a significant risk to the public especially with regard to fire protection.

The police have borne the brunt of thousands of false emergency calls by these people. Lt Harry Bird and BS called them so many times that they had to be restrained from doing so. Before Lt Harry Bird arrived, BS was calling the police continuously. They finally told her to stop. Then on one occasions an officer arrived saying "Oh, it's you. I thought I told you not to call?" She then went out front trying to get complete strangers to call the police for her because "He's fucking up there" which was complete nonsense and witnessed by other observers as such.

She would call the police demanding that they remove me from my home only to be met with a refusal and told to "piss off" by one exasperated officer. She was falsely claiming "It's my house" at that time. This occurred in October 2001 while BS was working on her own rehousing scheme on her own behalf. The officer said that was none of his concern. Those in the flat below including BS called the police at 3:00 am one night. I heard this since I was awake. When the police arrived, the officer was complaining about why he was called (there was nothing) and the fact that they were using a special police number to do so.

It got really bad on occasion and Lt Harry Bird had to be told to stop calling the police when he was doing so during a Fire Brigade strike. Further, he called the police so many times when I went shopping, he had to be told to stop doing that. He would call the police when I was working in the library or at an Internet shop all of it based upon nothing but his own hot air and intention to employ the emergency services as part of his unlawful and criminal harassment activity.

These people have no sense of restraint and are clearly disturbed. They have no sense of what is appropriate in calling the emergency services and have done so all these years for no reason whatsoever other than their intention to keep up the pressure on me to make me think that someone was here from the emergency services to remove me by force and violence from my home. This would occur several times a day or when I went shopping trying to get me removed from a store or picked up by the police for nothing other than fabrications. This is clearly both sociopathic and psychopathic behaviour.

There was knowledge of this abuse since restraints were applied but never lasted. Why all three emergency services allowed this to happen at all beggars belief. To me it shows that there is no control over the kinds of calls made to the emergency services and that a pattern of such false calls while known is not stopped completely and then allowed to continue as always. The cost to the taxpayer must have been and continues to be astronomical during the past eight and one-half years and is still going on.

It's amazing that no one actually put this together for what it was: a massive hoax. These people behaved in an hysterical manner screaming and yelling their false allegations while calling the emergency services continously fully supported by those in government I continue to describe. They all hoped to add to the validity of the appearance of their hoax by doing so. People must have thought surely this is serious because they are calling the emergency services so often when exactly the opposite was true. They were crying wolf. Someday the resources will dry up, and access to the emergency services will be limited when real emergencies do indeed exist. Meanwhile, the massive resources poured into these public services have been misdirected and squandered by those who have intentionally and knowingly perpetrated a massive fraud.

These people do not care about others. They only care about themselves. They don't care that they might be removing an emergency vehicle from a critically important call or that the emergency vehicle might have an accident while responding to a false emergency call. There are those who participate in such activity because it inflates in various ways by making them look important and makes the emergency service look fully used and in desperate need so that more resources can be sought. The ultimate question arises: resources for what? More false calls? In the end, however, the bubble will eventually burst as it always does in these situations, and there will be much egg on face, embarrassment and shame all around for failing to ensure the integrity of the emergency services and genuine public protection. Legal proceedings will most likely be undertaken.

Mon Mar 5 10:40:13 GMT 2007: "We want to push him," said Lt Harry Bird referring to himself and BS just now about this activity I am describing above. How long does he intend for this to last? So far he has been here doing this for six years 24/7 at great expense to the taxpayer while putting the community at risk? BS had it going for years before he arrived. Such abuse is intolerable and only serves the self interest of the sociopathic and psychopathic personalities. This is part of the torture activity carried out by BS, Lt Harry Bird and others to put as much pressure on me as possible to cause me to break down. It has failed.

Now look at what is happening to the emergency services from further inappropriate calls or an excess of such calls which are occurring in lieu of the GP call out service. The need is there, but the resources are stretched. Lt Harry Bird and BS continue to abuse the emergency services, and no one does anything about it.

Mon Mar 5 10:54:21 GMT 2007: "Get him out," demands, commands, orders, incites Lt Harry Bird. He does not engage in rational or reasonable dialogue. He cuts through with this verbal abuse to his criminal objective trying to incite others to carry out his criminal objective on his behalf without any risk to himself. Why has he been doing this for six years and BS for eight and one-half years? They have no substance to any of their false allegations or false negative characterisations. They can only mount a massive unlawful and criminal harassment and torture campaign at considerable public expense and risk to the public. Despite knowing this, those in authority do not stop this abuse of power. Why?

Meanwhile essential and critically important public services are dragged through the gutter. This must be quite offensive to those who have to put up with it. Not much job satisfaction here, is there?

BBC News Monday, 5 March 2007, 03:32 GMT

Ambulance call-out figures soar

Ambulance (generic)
Many requests for ambulances are unnecessary

There has been a large rise in the number of emergency calls to the ambulance service, according to figures obtained by the BBC.

The increase in 999 call-outs is about a fifth in some areas, which the Ambulance Service Union says is placing extra stress on paramedics.

The reasons behind the increase may include changes in doctors' out-of-hours cover, the union adds.

The official figures will be published in April. Last year's rise was 6%.

But the BBC understands that this year the Scottish Ambulance Service will report a 12% year-on-year increase, while in the West Midlands and the North East the rise could be as high as 20%.

2. The mystery surrounding Friday's squelch of a BBC report involving the cash-for-honours scandal goes on. Email? What Email? Was this the Email which Number Ten denied as existing some time ago? So what does it say? The public interest would be far better served if this "leaked" information had been allowed to be published. As it is, the questions now arising are far more damaging to the government and are acting as a greater brake on the normal function of government at the top of Number Ten.

Mon Mar 5 17:38:37 GMT 2007: BBC News24 report by James Landale, Chief Political Correspondent, provided the latest from Downing Street who now denies the accuracy of the most recent BBC report which was updated an hour or so ago with the names of the sender and recipient of the Email as well as the person referenced in its content. The BBC had gone back to the Attorney General today and received permission to provide this information. However, after evidently hearing it broadcast an hour or so ago, Number Ten denied the report's overall accuracy but refused to be specific when asked. I wonder when Number Ten will start calling the BBC "Potty" to discredit what it says on a general basis with emotional infantile name calling? The way it is denying this "overall" appears to be an attempt to eliminate its responsibility for being held accountable for a specific denial which might turn out to be wrong. It just gets worse. What's the content of this Email? Is this Email authentic?

Number Ten's current position: we didn't leak the Email, and the report of the message externals (sender and receiver) as well as the person referenced in its content are inaccurate overall. Hmmmmmm? Or, maybe that was the Email contents squelched from broadcast by the High Court at the behest of the Attorney General acting on behalf of the police. We just don't know, do we? Why is that?

Mon Mar 5 19:10:53 GMT 2007: A further report by James Landale on BBC News24 reveals that the Attorney General has weighed with his own statement indicating that yes, indeed, the changes today were agreed but do not "confirm that any particular document was sent or received." Oh, what a web they weave . . . This sounds like Tony Blair's convulted language manipulation and would be magnificent farce if it wasn't so serious involving the centre of government.

Expect a report next from the Number Ten janitor having found a piece of paper which he smuggled out not knowing if it was send or received or by whom if at all either way. Like the Russians there is a paper shortage at Number Ten so paper is recycled in many ways. The High Court is gearing up to rule on this latest revelation from the throne room at Number Ten.

BBC News Monday, 5 March 2007, 11:46 GMT

No 10 denies honours e-mail leak

Attorney General, Lord Goldsmith
The attorney general was granted an injunction on Friday

Downing Street has denied that information about the cash-for-honours affair was leaked by its staff.

An injunction on Friday prevented the BBC from reporting an e-mail between two members of the PM's inner circle.

The prime minister's official spokesman told reporters that suggestions of a No 10 leak were "just plain wrong".

The police have been investigating allegations that honours were given in exchange for loans. Four people have been arrested, but all deny wrongdoing.

The spokesman said on Monday that his assertion was not based on his "personal hunch" but "because there are inaccuracies in the reports which means it couldn't have come from No 10".

3. Once again this morning there were extensive noises from below my bedroom in the wall area by the head of the bed. These were continuous thumping thud sounds which went on and off for several minutes and were followed by excessive and extensive furniture scraping back and forth from below. Before this there were some extensive and loud railing noises which sounded like they were coming from the Walkway. At the same time I was subjected to verbal abuse by those using the surveillance technology which had been occurring all night since I went to bed shortly after 1:00 am.

All the while I was filmed and recorded by continuous video and audio media laying motionless on my bed trying to sleep while making notes of these disturbances on a third media device. Since it was impossible for me to get any further rest let alone sleep, I got out of bed to take a bath during which there was a very loud door slam noise from below followed by its bar grate clanking, and at various times there were pounding noises which occurred from the direction of the wall at the front of the bathtub which sounded like they were from below. The door slamming and bar grate clanking from below would have woken me had I remained in bed and managed to get back to sleep.

The verbal abuse from the surveillance technology used by Lt Harry Bird and BS go on continuously as always with a great deal of activity this morning as noted above.

01:11:45 Onto the bed and onto my left side for a bit of sleep maybe. We'll see.

01:11:51 That humming gadget whatever it was turned on from below it sounds like.

01:13:50 "Are you going to call him?" asks a male.

01:20:49 "You found me a prostitute," said a male. They've been yelling on. I just ignored them. I couldn't really hear what it is; just verbal nonsense until that one. That doesn't make any sense either. There we go. They're fishing with their poles hung out. Onto my right side. Sleep maybe. Doubt it though with this group.

1. To sleep for 1 hour and 5 minutes.

02:25:29 Diuretic impact thanks to Lt Harry Bird and BS. Yeah. Go to bed after urinating and within in an hour or hour and a half here I am getting up again. Had a dream about being in this empty house or a flat and at the end of it going through it to see if there were any intruders come in.

BS screeching away. She lives in a state of perpetual terror due to the way she was treated [as a child]. . . . Urinating. Noise from below WWPN. I've got a slight kidney pain there [right lower back] when I started urinating. Not that urination has anything to do with kidneys, but it's the kind of thing that is associated with this diuretic impact. My kidneys are going to collapse. Got noises below: furniture scraping. Sounds like bedroom furniture scraping. Somebody shouting out front.

" . . . [your employer]," said a male. It's my kidneys. Here we go into the bedroom. All right.

02:28:07 Completely silent urination. Oh, somebody below, right, making noises; toilet flush and WWPN {water flowing in the pipes could be heard in the PR recording]. Even one of the noises sounded like it came from in here [under my bedroom]. He was talking loudly.

02:28:42 Onto my left side. Yes, getting ready for the big time sleep.

2. To sleep for 1 hour 14 minutes

03:42:08 Oh, well, getting up now. Into the bathroom again. BS just screeched. She did. Getting authorisation and authenticity to this film. Right. Boy, oh, boy. They're not letting me sleep very much; really wiping me out. Here I am. . . . Urinating. Ok, that's it now. Up, up and away. Yeah, that's what it's all about. Into the bedroom.

03:44:13 Some birds twittering outside. Back into the bedroom.

03:44:25 Onto the bed. OK on my left side. Maybe I'll hear some squirrels chattering in a moment. Sleep.

03:46:04 Onto my right side now. "You got a big day," said a male. Talking to one of the vigilante mobsters probably BS. Yeah, her days are as big as they come. . . . huge days. You should see when she gets inside of one.

3. To sleep for 42 minutes.

05:18:45 OK, onto my left side. I just woke from a dream. One of the endings of a gigantic search for the boy who used cash.

4. To sleep for 39 minutes.

05:57:09 OK, there we go onto my right side now. The dream I just had . . . yeah, my nostrils are OK. My right nostril is just a titch blocked. Tinnitus is loud.

The dream I just had was a combination of a former dream and a new one that's going on. This former dream . . . I think I've just lost it. Yeah, too bad, but the other one is the one I'm having about this guy and this gal working together. I come across them because they think they're in the hospital. Somehow I spent some time in there. Matter of fact the end of the dream I'm in there when they happen to be in there together. Awful lot has happened before this. Not sure I can dredge it up, but right here he's on the phone to her. He's demanding his . . . he wants the £1,000.

She evidently has got this money, and she's done him a big favour or something in getting this money or she's about to get it or he's trying to force her to get it so he can have it, but he's trying to be as nice and everything as possible. . . . he was insisting that he had to have it that day. In the previous dream he's saying the same thing, so she's getting hit with this all the time. He's demanding that she give him this money. Sounds like he wants to take the thousand and skip, but he works right there. He was on the phone with her. Well, he was just ripping her off. He was just using her. I could see it, but she can't. She's in love with him.

But, she's still not coughing up the money thank goodness. She's not giving it to him, and he's got some sneaky, dodgy plans for it. Whatever it was. He was also involved with this gangster, and this guy he associated with. And, this guy was into the mob too. Yeah, so, there was a lot of detail, lot of activity, lot of things going on. Good dream actually because of that. Maybe it's being induced explicitly by Lt Harry Bird and BS. Anyway, I woke up a little while ago perhaps an hour ago at five o'clock or so with this slight urge to urinate, but I repressed it. Went back to sleep. Now, I'm awake again. Gonna get up. Diuretic impact. All this stuff Lt Harry Bird and BS are doing.

06:00:45 Into the bathroom. Yeah, there was a lot of this dream that I was involved in this activity through all kinds of different ways, and I knew this lady. All kinds of things. Well, anyway, good dream too, but I can't remember all the details. . . . Urinating. Sounds like its windy outside. Must be the storm going through. OK, back into the bedroom. Yeah, storm away.

06:02:46 Back into the bedroom. I had quite a dream. All right now onto the bed.

06:03:27 OK, onto my left side. Time to go to sleep. Tinnitus is loud, but my nostrils are all right. Lt Harry Bird says "Look at that." Whew, wow, must exciting stuff.

06:05:05 "You don't wanna be too nice to me either," said a female. Who was it? BS or another one? This dream sounded too much like their arguing that got into my dream pattern. Yeah, especially the demand for the £1,000. Sounded all to familiar there.

06:10:49 "Who wants to do it?" asks a male. Maybe it's Lt Harry Bird, and before that sounded like someone said "You just talk about it." Then this comment came "Who wants to do it?" A bunch of adolescents challenging each other to a circle jerk. That's what it boils down to, and BS sitting there screeching "He's come." Well, not now, not at this instant, but overall. And, she's surrounded by a bunch of circle jerkers. On my right side for a siesta maybe.

06:12:16 "Potty as shit," says BS. She hates the truth.

06:13:08 "Behave yourself," says the Chief Circle Jerker. BS can't control herself. This guy's a real jerk.

06:16:58 "No you don't, do you?" says a male. Before this a female yelling something. They're having an argument these people the Circle Jerkers. I think BS led them down the garden path again as always.

06:20:12 Got this noise now coming from below. The one I said was running last night. Not sure if it was running throughout the night, but it certainly is running now. Sounds like an air conditioner. Maybe they got air conditioning. What do you think? They're running a dehumidifier. Whatever it is. A male says "He's evil, huh?"

06:23:17 "Well, I wouldn't have thought you were a National Guardsman." Oh, boy, he sure as hell isn't talking about me. No. The question is who's he talking about? There it goes. Powerful impact from BS as I roll over onto my left side. Yeah, boy, they're nearing their victory there and about to get it. National Guardsman? Oh, boy. Called up and sent out to London, huh? Or, is he really talking about . . . is he translating the TA into his own lingo because he can't speak local. Lt Harry Bird that is. TA means Territorial Army.

06:29:40 Lt Harry Bird says "I got it." BS says "I know." [Interrogation with the use of surveillance technology torture 24/7?] I was thinking to myself 'we really don't want to lose this guy' which is what RCA was doing with me. 'We really don't want to lose this guy' why? Because I was very good as always everywhere. All right. And, just before that some very important things that . . . it was a big difficulty. I did something extraordinarily important; work, and I did very, very well at it. [I go on to describe this activity and others for about ten minutes]

4. Police fishing for terrorist have scooped only 3.5% convictions out of those arrested initially on suspicion with less than 20% of those charged. Given the surveillance activity I describe above which has been carried out against me 24/7 for years is there any wonder that "intelligence led" arrests fail to inspire confidence and result in such low charge rates and futher smaller actual convictions?

BBC News Monday, 5 March 2007, 19:28 GMT

Most freed after terror arrests

Scene of Forest Gate <acronym title=raid in June 2006" border="0" height="152" hspace="0" vspace="0" width="203">
Some 652 of the arrests did not result in charges

Fewer than a fifth of the people held in UK anti-terror inquiries since the 9/11 attacks in 2001 have been charged with terrorism-related crimes.

The Home Office figures - which exclude Northern Ireland - show that of 1,166 people detained, just 221 were charged.

Officials said the arrests were made with public protection in mind - 186 people faced non-terrorism charges.

The Islamic Human Rights Commission said "heavy handed and discriminatory" policies had ruined innocent lives.

. . .

Its chairman Massoud Shadjareh said: "It does not inspire confidence in those entrusted with our safety that less than 3.5% of those arrested under anti-terror laws are convicted in what are supposedly intelligence-led operations."

Human rights group Liberty said the data showed why attempts to extend the length of time people can be held without charge should be resisted.

Director Shami Chakrabarti said: "Inevitably, more people are arrested than charged and more are charged than convicted, yet this is all the more reason to make sure that innocent people are not locked up for longer and longer periods in pre-charge detention."

5. One of those murdered in his home in Peckham last month where a police officer was shot yesterday was killed with a machine gun. Watch Crimewatch on BBC One at 9pm tonight.

BBC News Monday, 5 March 2007, 13:32 GMT

Machine-gun used to kill teenager

Michael and Shakira Dosunmu
Shakira gave CPR for 15 minutes

A teenager murdered in his bedroom was shot dead with a machine-gun.

Michael Dosunmu, 15, was murdered by two gunmen in his home in Peckham, south-east London, on 6 February.

He died of multiple gunshot wounds and detectives have now identified the weapon that killed him as a Mac 10 machine-gun.

The revelation comes as his sister spoke to Crimewatch of how she desperately tried to resuscitate him before he died later in hospital.

Police believe the shooting of Michael, who had turned 15 two days earlier, may have been a case of mistaken identity, linked to a fatal stabbing of a 21-year-old in an adjacent road three days before.

. . .

Michael was one of three south London teenagers shot dead in less than a fortnight in February.

James Andre Smartt-Ford, 16, of New Malden, south-west London, died after he was shot in front of hundreds of people at an ice rink in Streatham, south London.

A few days later Billy Cox, 15, was shot dead at his home near Clapham North Tube Station in south west London.

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