


Web Journal Monday 21st May 2007

The government cannot manage properly which has resulted in tragic consequences.

This Labour government is trying to address a problem by shifting responsibility to those professionals who are not trained to cope with predicting future violent behaviour because no one is so trained. The government is responsible for big failures in the past with regard to such cases as that of Ian Huntley and Victoria Climbie. The failures here are quite obvious, have been exposed and supposedly addressed. People simply did not do their jobs for which the government is responsible.

The government considers shifting its management responsibility to front line professionals.

By making it a legal requirement that "front line" professionals report those likely to be violent, the government is shifting responsibility for proper management away from itself and onto individuals who encounter those who might go on to commit violence. If someone commits a violent act, then the government under this proposed legislative idea can go back to whoever dealt with this person and hold them responsible under the law.

Front line professionals will err on the side of caution.

With such an onus placed upon front line professionals, they will be reporting everyone to cover themselves, and the system will be clogged with potentially violent characters where this is not the case at all. It is astonishing that the Home Office is playing such games with public protection. What will happen is that those who are really a threat will never come in contact with any front line professional.

Ergo, the system becomes clogged with nonsense and falsely accused potentially violent people while those who are genuinely potentially violent are free to carry out violence.

In my situation the child abusers and domestically violent have screamed and hollered false allegations against me after my reporting their violent abuse in May 1998 so that I was then subjected to surveillance technology installed in August 1998 and put at their disposal to cover up their crimes and set me up with false allegations. The police, NHS and others were involved based upon all these screamed and hollered false allegation abuses.

The result has been a continuous, nonstop total invasion of privacy, tracking and monitoring of all that I do 24/7 for almost nine years which has been declared to continue indefinitely until I die. So far that is exactly what is happening. The whole system has been turned upside down. The government failed totally on this one despite surveillance technology and is trying to bail out itself and those involved.

If they cannot get it right with totally invasive surveillance technology used continuously 24/7 for almost nine years, it is not reasonable to expect that anyone can predict future violent behaviour. The government is working with dirty data, based upon false allegations from a surveillance technology abuse of power while next trying to proceed into an area where there is no data to help evade responsibility and shift it to the hapless professional on the front line.

This is a government that has to be seen to be doing something continuously which results in pushing to absurd degrees which are totally nonsensical. This is like identifying antisocial behaviour while the child is still in the womb. This government goes into areas where no one can say whether they are right or wrong, and they have the power to declare themselves right while blaming someone else which they propose will be the front line professional.

Who can possibly protect themselves against this? I've been experiencing it for nine years 24/7 recognising all that is happening as a total catastrophe which will collapse one day in the most ignominious manner with great shame for the British public that such a government could have possibly existed. It will take decades to straighten out this mess.

The shifty governmental bureaucrat evades responsibility until a collapse occurs as a result of the ignorant in power who try to maintain that power by any means possible.

1. Snooping for the police about the potentially violent has now come out of the Home Office in a leaked document to The Times. This has been in operation already for almost nine years against me. This allows for those who are disliked to be vilified and attacked by the mob based upon false allegations. In my case I reported child abuse in an adjacent flat nine years ago, and the adults involved in the domestic violence started a stalking and harassment campaign against me making false allegations. Within three months after reporting their child abuse and the intervention of the police, they had surveillance technology installed which was put at their disposal. They then used it not for an investigation but to fabricate allegations against me to seek my removal and destruction.

The false allegations cover a wide spectrum of abuse which include false allegations of violence and potential violence. All it takes is a disturbed personality like these people to "cry wolf" against the person who reported their violence for all of this to become a reality as it did for me nine years ago and still goes on as of this writing.

The allegations are all nonsense, but these people using the surveillance technology are the ones who were reported for domestic violence including child abuse and continued with the violence against each other as well as against me while using the surveillance technology. The police, NHS and local and central government elected officials and civil servants have been directly involved in the violence against me using the surveillance technology as a weapon for all these years. They have witnessed the fabrications and the violence amongst these people, but have never stopped what is right in front of their faces. They have a desperate need to cover up their activity and will try to do so by continuing to vilify and destroy me.

What happens when this gets turned upside down as has happened here? I've long been using the analogy in my situation that this is similar to Ian Huntley trying to participate in the police investigation of the Soham murders before he was apprehended. In this case, however, the child abusers were incorporated into the surveillance activity against me and allowed to cover up their violent crimes and disposition to violence which continued as I kept reporting including a 23rd September 1999 letter to the Prime Minister sixteen months after the initial police intervention.

Please see my web journal entry of 12th May 2006 (number 2) for further comment about my letter to the Prime Minister including links to all five of its appendices which provide detailed diary/logs of the violence in the summer of 1999 which was continuing more than a year after the police intervention on 8th May 1998. Surveillance technology at the disposal of the child abusers since August 1998 made this possible. It still goes on as of this writing.

If the police cannot get it right when they are notified and then turn everything around against the person who reported the actual violence, it is a hopeless situation. What's the point in making this proposal? It is then made all the worse when the police, NHS, tenant management, local and central governments participate in violence against the person who reported the original and ongoing violence to silence that person (me) in order to stop the reporting of the problem for image management objectives.

How can this possibly by used as a means to avoid situations which occurred like that of Ian Huntley's murders or the death of Victoria Climbie? The police are hopelessly clueless and easily mislead by the loudest shouter and disturbed personality. I've watched and documented all of this for all of these nine years and more. The police, NHS and all other officials are just as violent in action as those whom they think they want to bang up for a disposition toward violence which does not exist at all in my situation.

"We don't know if these proposals are actually going [to be implemented]," said Rita Chakrabati on BBC News24 this morning. They have been for many years. The real question is how does anyone know that those in authority will get anything right or actually deliberately wrong for their own corrupt self interest as I've experienced?

Why have the BBC and other media including The Times been deliberately ignoring what is actually taking place while trying to report on something that comes from a "leaked" document reported in The Times?" It's certainly far more worthy of journalists to actually get out and get the real story from the community so that the facts can then be reported along with this kind of "leaked" information. The public would most certainly be better informed and the debate/discussion far more meaningful.

And, Rita Chakrabati's apparent relative, Shami Chakrabati, the Director of Liberty, is not really concerned with this problem as Rita Chakrabati stated about Liberty. I wrote to Liberty years ago only to receive a reply that they where only interested in high profile cases that brought them publicity. Liberty is a publicity hound organisation and not one that is interested in human rights. Any concerns of alarm voiced on the BBC by an apparent relative of its Director are being made for the commercial interests of publicity seeking on behalf of Liberty who has had no interest in this extreme human rights abuse problem all these years.

The Times Monday, 21st May 2007

Secret plans to turn staff into police informers

Francis Elliott, Chief Political Correspondent

Council workers, charity staff and doctors will be required to tip off police about anyone whom they believe could commit a violent crime, under secret Home Office plans.

Civil liberties campaigners last night said that the proposal raised the prospect of people being placed under surveillance and detained even though they have committed no offence.

And a senior Whitehall official, who leaked the plans to The Times, said that it would entail a mass of personal information, including sensitive medical records, being passed around many different agencies Б─■ even if there was no firm evidence of any potential risk from an individual.

Secret plans to turn staff into police informers

BBC News Monday, 21 May 2007, 03:21 GMT 04:21 UK

Staff asked to 'snoop' for police

Home Office
The proposals come from the Home Office's violent crime unit

Council staff, charity workers and doctors could be required by law to tip off police about anyone they believe could commit a violent crime.

The Home Office proposals, leaked to the Times newspaper, insist public bodies have "valuable information" that could identify potential offenders.

Possible warning signs could include heavy drinking, mental health problems or a violent family background.

The Tories say the plans would require staff to "snoop on their customers".

Civil liberties campaigners are concerned that people could be put under police surveillance despite having committed no crime.

The proposals for "multi-agency information sharing" were circulated in Whitehall by Simon King, head of the Home Office violent crime unit.

They are being viewed as an attempt to close a loophole which allowed Soham murderer Ian Huntley to get a job in a school, despite previous accusations of violence.

Staff asked to 'snoop' for police

Mon May 21 13:19:01 BST 2007: thumping bass music starts from below. This is also verified with a second audio recording as part of the continuous video recording that I make for the purposes of documenting all my activity with verbal notes. Thus, the audio recordings below have a backup on another media.

A. Monday, 21st May 2007, at 13:22:41 to 13:23:45. Loud thumping bass music from below in the living room.

B. Monday, 21st May 2007, at 13:23:53 to [bedroom clock off]. Loud thumping bass music from below from the living room into the hall, bathroom, front door and bedroom at [clock out due to power outage this morning at 10:27 am]; window sill. The music itself with voice, loud and blasting, can be heard coming in the bathroom window, front door and bedroom window.

2. A drone spy ship is now in the hands of the UK police. This is a fantastic little gadget. This is truly a portable CCTV camera. Place a call to the police about antisocial behaviour, and they dispatch this small drown to investigate and send back pictures. It's a lucky thing there are no overhead power lines which are buried in the ground. This thing can fly anywhere.

Imagine controlling this drone from a control room with a flight deck on top holding a full contingent of these ready to take off and go anywhere including night flights (IFR?) to get right at the burglary in progress or violent crime without any danger to police officers. I wonder what powers it and how long it can last in the air before recharging or refueling? I can see the sky full of these in the future day and night.

They will also be able to fly to anyone's residence and look in the window should there be a complaint about someone with loud music, domestic violence or drug abuse. The next step will be to go beyond call outs and send these out on general patrols to see what is happening everywhere. This will start innocently with traffic patrols as noted below. Who needs more police officers? Get more of these spy drones.

I actually think these are a great idea, but they need to be subject to controls so that people will have confidence in their use and protected from abuse.

BBC News Monday, 21 May 2007, 12:45 GMT 13:45 UK

Pilotless police drone takes off

Merseyside police drone
The drone sends images to a police control room

The UK's first police remote control helicopter has taken off.

Merseyside police are using the "spy drone", fitted with CCTV cameras, mainly for tackling anti-social behaviour and public disorder.

The machine is 1m wide, weighs less than a bag of sugar, and can record images from a height of 500m.

Originally used by the military, it is due to be operational by June for a full three-month trial, which is the "first of its kind" in the UK.

The drone will also be used for monitoring traffic congestion and investigations are to be made into its possible role in firearms operations.

The machines, which are flown by remote control or using pre-programmed GPS navigation systems, are silent and can be fitted with night-vision cameras.

Pilotless police drone takes off

Mon May 21 20:54:11 BST 2007: thumping bass music from below.

3. WiFi electromagnetic radiation is polluting the atmosphere like pollution in water. Terrestrial animals are being impacted by electromagnetic pollution in the atmosphere like the aquatic forms of life from water pollution. Tonight BBC's Panorama broadcast an excellent programme on wireless network electromagnetic radiation installations throughout the UK and inside schools comparing the radiation levels with mobile phone masts and potential health hazards.

Watch the WiFi Panorama programme on its web site.

They sought out various opinions about health and safety including comparing the UK to Sweden in some respects to those who are especially sensitive to electromagnetic radiation. The key to the current health and safety standard is the measurement of "heating" which takes place that completely ignores the biological impact on the mitochondria of each cell in the human being. These are the components of the nuclear of the cells which cause aberrations when they fail to divide properly in normal human cell division. To use "heating" by electromagnetic radiation sets a standard that is far higher than that when damage actually occurs I believe.

BBC News Monday, 21 May 2007, 10:58 GMT 11:58 UK

Wi-fi health fears are 'unproven'

Laptop users
Wireless working is becoming part of daily life

Scientists have said there is no evidence to suggest a link between the use of wi-fi and damage to health.

BBC programme Panorama found that radiation levels from wi-fi in one school was up to three times the level of mobile phone mast radiation.

The readings were 600 times below the government's safety limits but there is ongoing debate about wi-fi use.

"Wi-fi seems unlikely to pose any risk to health," said Professor Lawrie Challis, of Nottingham University.

Prof Challis, chairman of the Mobile Telecommunications and Health Research (MTHR) programme management committee, said: "Wi-fi exposures are usually very small - the transmitters are low power and some distance from the body.

Wi-fi health fears are 'unproven'

BBC News Monday, 21 May 2007, 15:35 GMT 16:35 UK

Schools want urgent wi-fi advice

What should schools and parents make of worries about wi-fi safety?

By Sean Coughlan
BBC News education reporter

Head teachers say they want to reap the benefits of school wi-fi networks - and want any concerns about health fears to be addressed urgently.

"Schools can't afford to delay while the scientists make up their minds," says John Dunford of the Association of School and College Leaders.

The BBC programme Panorama is to highlight concerns about a lack of safety research into wi-fi networks.

But the Health Protection Agency says emissions are within safety guidelines.

Schools want urgent wi-fi advice

BBC News Monday, 23 April 2007, 11:11 GMT 12:11 UK

Teachers want wi-fi risk research

Laptop in school
Teachers want to clarify the safety of wireless networks

Teachers want an investigation into whether there are any health risks from wireless computer networks in schools.

The PAT teachers' union is writing to the education secretary for a clarification on wi-fi safety.

"There's a concern the potential health risk of this technology hasn't been investigated fully," says the union's general secretary, Philip Parkin.

The Health Protection Agency says "wi-fi devices are of very low power, much lower than mobile phones".

Mr Parkin, leader of the Professional Association of Teachers, is writing to Education Secretary Alan Johnson to ask for a "full scientific investigation into the effects of wi-fi networks in schools".

Teachers want wi-fi risk research

4. I am subjected to continuously high dosages of electromagnetic radiation directed at me from the surveillance technology to transmit sound and create other feedback activities from this brainwave activity. The frequency is sent at the microwave level to penetrate the brain but is pulsed at the far lower brain wave level of 0 to 500 Hertz. This is the real danger from the current mobile phones which transmit multiple users on one frequency pulsing individual packets for each user like the Internet communications TCP/IP. A key to this abuse against me is the memory probing and dream inducement which occurs at night waking me frequently. BS tries to call the side effect of cranial fluid seepage an "allergy." Last night was an excellent example of this extreme abuse.

I got only about 4.5 hours sleep in three segments last night since I was woken frequently by the extensive abuse of the surveillance technology memory probing dream inducement activity with its side effects as described below. There were multiple dreams as the memory probing skipped around. This started immediately and went as I tried to sleep. I was not even allowed the four hours of crucially important deep sleep.

The surveillance technology impacts the brain cells with a response from the immune system as if they are injured. This results in a blood/brain barrier breach with cranial fluid seeping from my brain into my sinus cavities. The flow is downhill into my throat and nostrils. Each nostril is clogged in turn depending on which is downhill. This is described as it happened last night along with the tinnitus.

There was also a brutal impact by BS using the surveillance technology to cause as much harm (brain and physical damage) as possible which I noted. She does this from time. to time. This was how I noted that she had started in July 2002 with this activity which was confirmed verbally by Colonel Vine who was present and showing her how this technology works. After I was hit hard a couple times, the word "Powerful" was used to described it. This occurred on two consecutive nights which provided me with the essential information about what they were doing.

There is also reference to one of the false allegations of an atrocious crime which is used to justify this brutality that has been going on for years. However, this was unknown to these people during the firest three years of this surveillance technology abuse until Lt Harry Bird told everyone about this false allegation to sustain his activity since he was about to be pulled himself. During this first three years, the radar imagining devices had been used from the flat above which destroyed by eyes by cause cataracts.

The surveillance technology was used intentionally to cause personal injuries, to cripple and to kill (attempted murder so far). It was obvious to me from all the activity over the early years, that BS would use the surveillance technology supplied by Colonel Vine and Lt Harry Bird in an extreme manner to do as much harm as possible. She had done this with every aspect of the surveillance technology and this night described below as it happened is just one more such example.

She will not listen to any restraining attempts by others and just keeps doing what she wants to do: kill. This is entirely acceptable to Lt Harry Bird who has the same objective. The are seeking to coverup their extensive crimes including the attempt murder up to this point.

With respect to the Panorama programme about WiFi described above, great caution must be taken around electromagnetic radiation. The health standard based upon heating is false and misleading. There must be extensive research carried out on the biological impact of such radiation before it is too late for the children in schools. My experience with it as described below indicates how bad it can be. It's just a question of time before something happens.

02:14:30 OK, let's go into the bedroom now . . .

02:18:40 Onto the bed.

The clock hasn't found the time yet. Still waiting. So, onto my left side for a little sleep. Lt Harry Bird said "Maybe you can help me?" Yeah, right, that's when I was setting up the camcorder. OK, got a lot to talk about . . . soon, take notes. Left side. Time to go to sleep.

02:23:13 "As long as he told us, that's OK," said a male. All right now the time is wrong on the other one on the desk. I'm going to have to get up and set the clock again.

OK, back onto the bed again after punching the little button the clock. We'll see if it finds the correct time this time. On, my left side back to sleep. Ole BS was moan groan screeching away while I was doing that.

Some female voice coming in the bedroom window. Sounds like outside.

Double thud activities sounds like below. Vehicle door slam outside.

A. To sleep for one hour and 27 minutes.

03:50:22 The time is still not correct. Been asleep for awhile. Had some good dreams just then. Just as I woke up BS was verbal noises. Those surveillance technology mobsters were yammering.

03:51:07 OK, there we go on my left side, and let's see here . . . Lt Harry Bird just said "Potty." Would you believe that? I guess you'll believe anything. Yes, that's what he did. . . . if you listen to these people. Now, here's what's happening with this dream. I had this dream that . . . [described dream]

OK, I'm going to roll onto my right side now. Tinnitus is very, very loud. My left nostril is completely blocked. Lt Harry Bird has let loose with his dream inducement activity really in a very brutal way. OK, that's the reason why I woke now with these extraordinary side effects from his activity. . . . OK, time for some sleep here on my right side.

"We'll that's it," said a male.

B. To sleep for one hour and 26 minutes.

05:17:27 OK, getting up now into the bathroom. The time's been found, and it is OK. Now, amazing all these things happened. . . . OK, now, we're out of the bathroom. . . . back into the bedroom. Smells like rain, what do you think? Tinnitus is very loud. My nostril is slightly blocked, but I've been standing up, moving around. . . . OK, here we go. "Bitter," said Lt Harry Bird. He is, isn't he? Poor ole Lt Harry Bird. He's so full of bitterness and hatred he can't see straight.

05:20:20 On my left side. Time to go to sleep again.

C. To sleep for one hour and 44 minutes.

07:04:52 Woke up; just sleeping another dream. Dream complicated activity. DR working. Noises out front. Sounds like a vehicle. My right nostril is almost completely blocked. Tinnitus is medium to loud.

On my left side where I woke up. [Described dream] [Sound of metal springs] Oh, there goes the spring loads this early in the morning. Sounds like somebody hit the railing outside. There we go. OK, now, [resumed dream description]

Also, there was a dream about . . . [described another dream] There's another dream. I just remembered. Now, its' gone. Too bad. Should rattle these all off as they come to mind. I can't remember this other one. Yes, Lt Harry Bird and BS were really probing: memory probing dream inducement activity. Oh, I was just hit hard, really hard by BS. They're out. They're killers. They're turned loose with the surveillance technology. They really did a number on me tonight all night long. Yeah, OK, onto my right side. Now, it's

07:09:00 On my right side for a little snoozola.

BS says "Ooooh, potty as [hell/shit]." The level of her mentality.

07:24:07 Just got a screech distant and faint from BS just then. I have not gone back to sleep since I was woken at 7:00 o'clock, whenever. Tinnitus is very loud. My right nostril is partially blocked. I'm on my right side.

07:26:56 OK, starting to get some light thuds from below at the head of the bed. Before this there was a noise from BS, and I just rolled over onto my left side.

07:32:36 Door noise; series of thuds, loud ones this time. And before that the light thuds continued as described earlier. On my left side. Right nostril cleared instantly here. Wee restraint there in the left nostril seems to be clogging just a little bit. Just shows the instant flow of the cranial fluid seepage that has been part of tonight in a very big way flowing back and forth depending upon which side I'm on indicating the extensive use of the surveillance technology as I've already described which creates this side effect that is NOT an allergy. There were the railing hits outside in the Walkway.

07:34:06 Rolled onto my right side. BS made a screech roaring noise protest moan groan.

07:37:39 "It was a mistake," said a male. BS started yelling "No, he killed his mother." It was a catastrophic mistake and the fall out is going to go on for decades.

[Carrying out this surveillance technology abuse against me for almost nine years has been a catastrophic mistake based upon this false allegation often repeated by Lt Harry Bird and BS as a justification for this extensive criminal activity against me for all these years. BS was at this for three years between August 1998 and August 2001 before Lt Harry Bird introduced this totally false allegation. At no time did she ever say anything about this until he made the initial statement at the end of August 2001 after he had been here seven months himself. It's quite obvious that BS grabs at any straw and claims knowledge of it when she has a clue and never had until someone else said something.]

07:38:50 "What do you think you're doing," demands a male. Probably directed toward BS. She's out to kill as is Lt Harry Bird, too.

07:40:16 Light stomping from below there under the bed again.

07:40:56 Continuous louder stomping thud noises from below at the end of the bed.

07:42:30 Time to get up. On this . . . looks like it's overcast outside. OK, rise and shine everybody.

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