


Web Journal Wednesday 10th October 2007

1. The government announced today that talking therapies for depression and anxiety will be allocated more funds in the NHS expected to reach £170 million by 2010 with emphasis on such therapies as the British developed Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) which has proven quite effective. Drugging people into passive oblivion has never been a treatment.

Attempting to incapacitate and debilitate people only covers up the problem rather than addressing problems at their source for a cure. Drugs can be addictive and have extreme side effects including death. Just ask the parents of some children using Ritalin prescribed to alleviate hyperactivity. Self expressive therapies of different kinds can get at the source of emotional and mental health problems provided physical damage has not occurred.

The great problem which I've encountered in the past decade as been from those who are significantly emotionally disturbed who have used false allegations of mental illness as weapon while trying to create mental illness with extreme abuse from surveillance technology against me. I call this the smokescreen and project syndrome. The government has been directly involved in this extreme abuse from the ground level here which apparently occurred once again this morning with an elected official present to the very top.

Worst of all, however, is the fact that mental health professionals have supported and sustained the emotionally disturbed permitting and encouraging them to act out their violence in the community with surveillance technology against me instead of getting it right to recognise and address those who are genuinely mentally ill and emotional disturbed. This is an incredible abuse of the NHS.

Below this article I provide information about what occurred this morning as part of this ongoing stalking and harassment effort which has been occurring for many years as I have documented and reported frequently. An interesting and similar example was included in my fax on Saturday, 8th January 2000 to an administrator at the St Charles Hospital Acute Psychiatric Clinic describing this activity as follows:

"I am fundamentally a vegetarian and try to eat a normal, well balanced diet when allowed to cook without harassment. One of the methods was to attack my cooking by directly pounding on a wall below or constantly describing my slicing of vegetables as "too loud' which, by the way, went on for two years prior to May 1998 [when I reported the child abuse from the flat below] without a murmur of complaint as did all my other activity which is completely recorded in my diaries. The contrast of "before" and "after" is quite startling and revealing following the onset of the harassment in May 1998."

I recall with some amusement the tenant in the flat below, BS' mother (aka The Cackler), who yelled once at around the time described in the above excerpt "He's slicing the carrots wrong." She was using the surveillance technology to observe me preparing food. Thus, they knew exactly what I was doing. However, BS kept going outside and around the building to stand under the kitchen window to listen to my food preparation. She called in senior people from tenant management to observe my food preparation pretending to not know what I was doing by asking "What's he doing." On one occasion the called in tenant management woman replied "It sounds like he's cleaning." I was slicing vegetables among them most likely carrots.

It has been clear to me from the very beginning of all this where the mental health problem exists. Yes, these people try to smokescreen and project that problem of theirs onto me and have been doing so from the very beginning in 1998 to the present as of this writing which is intended to show how that is still being accomplished by community stalking and harassment driven by those using the surveillance technology as a weapon.

BBC News Wednesday, 10 October 2007, 11:42 GMT 12:42 UK

More funds for talking therapies

Woman with head in hands
At present there are long waits for talking therapies

The government is to spend millions more on "talking treatments" for depression and anxiety in England.

Health Secretary Alan Johnson said by 2010, £170m a year would be spent - allowing 900,000 more people to be treated using psychological therapies.

These are just as effective as drugs, says the National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence.

The plan will pay for itself as people return to work and stop needing benefits, an expert said.

Improving access to psychological therapies will give people with mental health problems
Alan Johnson
Secretary of State for Health

Currently, treatments such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) are in short supply - on average, patients wait 18 months to start treatment.

The new plan aims to reduce that wait to just a fortnight, in line with improvements in outpatient waiting times in other parts of the NHS.

The Department of Health said that all GP surgeries would have access to the treatments as the programme "rolled out" across the country. It is planned to recruit an extra 3,600 therapists.

Mr Johnson said: "More than one in six people suffer from mental health problems at any one time.

"For many people prescribing medication is a successful treatment but we know that psychological therapies work equally well.

"Improving access to psychological therapies will give people with mental health problems a real choice of treatment."

More funds for talking therapies

2. Community Stalking and Harassment Part 1 of 2 intended to create depression, anxiety, stress and distress. Here is a hard evidence of example of community stalking and harassment which reflects the surveillance technology driven effort to try to create a mental health problem while verbally and falsely claiming that such a problem exists. My efforts to document this with hard evidence to reveal the true source of the nuisance noise disturbances have evolved over the past nine years and two months since mid-August 1998 to this point where I integrate three different media sources of recorded, objective information.

All the information provided here is disseminated to everyone by those using the surveillance technology anyway as they watch all that I do second-by-second around-the-clock to help coordinate this community stalking and harassment. My making this public is nothing new to those involved for they all know what I am doing, documenting, reporting and communicating thanks to those using the surveillance technology. In other words I have no privacy or confidentiality whatsoever which has been absent 24/7 for nine years and two months so far, so it doesn't make any difference to those involved whether or not this is published.

I do this here because of the failure over the last nine years and two months to obtain any relief by way of my extensive efforts to appropriately deal with this community stalking and harassment in a tenant managed environment. This is just one more step in that direction to facilitate communication of what is occurring in order to bring it to an end. I can refer to this web journal entry in Emails to reach a wider group of those in authority to stop this extreme abuse.

Given the nature of this activity with the use of surveillance technology to determine what I am doing, it has become necessary for me to live like this until this problem is properly resolved. It does provide a fascinating record of what is occurring and what lengths some people will go to in order to carry out criminal harassment and the destruction of human life for their own revenge, retaliation and material gain.

I use the following three media recording devices to document all that is happening:

  • PR: notes made on a digital voice recorder which also picks up the background noises while I record noting the exact time from a radio controlled clock facing me. A second radio controlled clock faces the camcorder, and the time of these two is verified as being synchronised at the start of the night. They show the exact time simultaneously always. If any discrepancies are detected, they can be addressed.
  • DR: a continuous digital recording intended to record all the sounds which I make throughout the night to counter the false allegations against me of making "thumping" noises. The DR frequently picks up these being made from other sources which can vary to source, I identify them accurately on the PR notes.
  • Video: a camcorder records a film image and sound to document all that occurs throughout the night verifying the notes I make on the DR with its timed entries verbally made and what occurs or is absent with respect to the DR recording. This shows conclusively that I am not the source of the sounds as alleged. This also films a radio controlled clock with the exact time and a sound level meter with the noise level of the all sounds.

By integrating these three sources of visual and audio documentation what actually takes place can be verified beyond any doubt. The following Email provides such an integration.

Although this is the second of two Emails sent this morning regarding community stalking and harassment, it deals with the a significant incident that is chronologically the first:

---------- Forwarded Message ----------

Subject: 10.10.2007 second Email of what sounds like a set up from below consisting of hit/thuds and two loud, hard door slams some fifteen minutes before departure described in the first Email [see below].
Date: Wednesday 10 October 2007 13:10
From: Gary D Chance
To: Damian Donnelly

Damian Donnelly
Area Manager TMO/EMB
Lancaster West Estate
Grenfell Tower

Dear Mr Donnelly

This is the second of the two Emails [first Email below] providing a sample of the disturbances which originated from the flat below also including those using the surveillance technology referring to a "Councillor."

This consists of two hard, loud door slams [45 seconds apart] following after hit/thuds and thumping from below which had been going on although quite light in sound. I believe that this was an effort to keep these from being recorded while hoping that they would be disturbing nonetheless. Had I been asleep, I might not have woken.

However, the two hard, loud door slams would most certainly have woken me had I been asleep. These door slams like this about 0750 occur frequently at this time of the morning and are followed after some ten or fifteen minutes by a similar loud door slam accompanying the apparent departure from the flat below a sample of which was provided in the first Email [see below] sent this morning.

After the second hard, loud door slam, the voices of a male, Lt Harry Bird and BS are heard courtesy of the surveillance technology referring to and perhaps talking with a "Councillor." These kinds of disturbances go on over and over day after day and continue for hours as occurred for an hour and a half yesterday starting just after 0600. That detail has yet to be provided.

[ET = Elapsed Time]

DR file GARY0056A.wav and PR file DW_A0986A.wav.

PR ET 00:00:00 "07:47:11 Very light taps/thuds; just a few at the head of the bed area.

PR ET 00:00:19 "Couple more just then. Barely noticeable. If I was asleep, I would continue to sleep. I just happened to hear these."

PR ET 00:00:36 "There we go. Now there are some thuds/thumping; half a dozen in a row. Very light though.

DR ET 00:00:01 Several hit/thuds heard in quick secession on the DR. Sounds like one then two with one right after the other.

DR ET 00:00:07 PR ET 00:00:50 "07:49:27"

DR ET 00:00:11 PR ET 00:00:54 Video 07:49:28 Hard, loud door slam heard on Video, DR and PR.

DR ET 00:00:17 PR ET 00:01:00 "Hard, loud door slam below preceded by a very slight rattling noise that caused me to start this entry."

DR ET 00:00:28 Noise heard on the DR.

DR ET 00:00:30 PR ET 00:01:13 "Lock, snap just then."

DR ET 00:00:41 PR ET 00:01:25 "OK, 07:49:59, end of entry."

DR ET 00:00:56 Video 07:50:13 Hard, loud door slam heard on the Video and DR. Sound level meter: 51.1 dB.

DR file GARY0056A.wav continues with PR file DW_A0987.wav

DR ET 00:00:57 PR ET 00:00:00 "07:50:16 A second hard. loud door slam from below. That was gratuitous, unnecessary, deliberate.

PR "07:51:16 Slight, very slight, noises from below now."

PR "07:53:08 Don't want to take any chances," said a male.

PR "07:55:36 Slight shuffling sound below like furniture. Lt Harry Bird says "Councillor."

PR "07:56:57 I know you're not offering anything," sounded like either BS or Lt Harry Bird perhaps talking with the "Councillor."

Although this activity to me is deliberately intended to disturb especially with the unnecessarily hard, loud door slams, what is said upon the departure and the similarity between the hit/thuds preceding these door slams at this time and at the departure some fifteen minutes later confirms for me that this is, indeed, a most definite set up. It is also part of an almost daily pattern that has been going on for the better part of the past 18 months.

The source of all this derives from those using the surveillance technology: BS and Lt Harry Bird who have been engaging in this kind of activity for over nine years 24/7. The surveillance activity has to be shut down, and they have to be removed from the area and kept away by restraining order if necessary. They do not live here yet seek to be as destructive as possible which impacts the lives of everyone especially the children who deserve to grow up without opportunities for them being destroyed in this manner.

It was for this reason that I originally reported the child abuse in May 1998 to protect Linda's children and the other children who were impacted by the knock on effect from child abuse. The abused child began acting out his abuse against other children while at play in the Walkway hitting, kicking and choking them by imitating the way he was being treated by the adults around him which I had witnessed and reported.

*****End of the Email*****

The activity and my comments continued for a few minutes more being recorded on the PR, DR and Video. These are as follows on PR file

PR DW_A0987.wav

PR "07:58:02 "A tense moment," said a male. There was background verbal noise sounded like BS. OK, onto my left side now."

PR "07:58:41 On my left side."

PR "07:59:33 "What do you know about this?" asked a male. BS makes verbal noises including "F******g hell."

PR "08:00:26 "Can't help himself," says Lt Harry Bird again. Not referring to me, but projecting what they say about themselves continuously indicating that they are out of control and disturbed. They think it's all right to say that about themselves to justify their erratic behaviour, and they think at the same time it's a condemnation of me when I document these external noises which are deliberate and quite disturbing.

PR "08:02:39 Time to get up after all of that ruckus. Up, up and away.

3. Community Stalking and Harassment Part 2 of 2 intended to create depression, anxiety, stress and distress.

---------- Forwarded Message ----------

Subject: 10.10.2007 DR and PR audio recordings from bedroom into the bathroom for deliberate set up hit/thuds from below and door slamming with verbal abuse from a child and female.
Date: Wednesday 10 October 2007 11:38
From: Gary D Chance
To: Damian Donnelly

Damian Donnelly Area Manager TMO/EMB Lancaster West Estate Grenfell Tower

Dear Mr Donnelly

I've been trying to organise and produce separate CDs for the activity on Sunday for your complete information since I have only sent a transcript of that so far. The audio file was far to large to include in an Email.

The continuing extraordinary abuse has added a great deal to that along with this morning's activity. Since the representative audio file from the DR is so important but a wee bit large at 5.23 Mb, I am sending this in two sections. Here is the first. The audio files are in a separate Email with the same subject.

The second Email will contains similar activity which occurred some fifteen minutes earlier with a double door slam below that I believe is done gratuitously to delibeately create a noise nuisance. Here is the same thing where there are hit/thuds from below just prior to the departure with the door slamming and bar/grate clanking.

This takes an extraordinary long time to do, so I have included the PR file as well which describes some more detail about what is happening as it occurs. Only the essential notes are transcribed below. You will have to listen to the PR recording which is attached to the other Email for my further comments.

1. The following sequence of events reflects what I consider to be a set up by those in the flat below upon their departure. I just happened to record this on two different audio recordings reflecting my notes made on the PR and the actual sounds recorded on the DR.

This activity is almost a daily occurrence reflecting hit/thuds from below just before departure with its excessively loud noises. In the past several door slamming noises have occurred interspersed with these hit/thuds from below under the head of the bed area which might indicate hitting the wall or stomping on the floor.

DR file GARY0057B.wav and PR file DW_A0989A.wav

DR ET 00:00:00 "08:02:59 Bath, Wednesday, 10.10.2007."

DR ET 00:01:20 First set of two thuds from below. (Estimated actual time: 08:04:19)

PR 00:00:00 "08:04:39 Couple thuds from below as I turned off the camcorder like somebody with feet, very light. They weren't very loud. [These came from the front of the bed on the window side and were heard on the DR as noted above.] [described further activity on the PR]

[The bedroom door was closed up to this point so that what was recorded on the PR file DW_A0989A.wav was not heard on the DR file GARY0057B.wav until I opened the bedroom door with the phrase ". . . and the bathroom" just heard on the DR. The times work perfectly between the two recordings in terms of elapsed time and estimated actual time, and the second set of two thuds from below can be heard just after the phrase ". . . and the bathroom" which I then note on the PR about five seconds later. I paused briefly to listen then note what occurred.]

DR ET 00:02:16 Slight bedroom door noise as I open it. [Estimated actual time: 08:05:15]

PR ET 00:00:37 ". . . and the bathroom." [Estimated actual time: 08:05:16]

DR ET 00:02:19 Second set of two thuds just as I begin recording on the PR and noted on the PR. [occurred just after I said ". . . and the bathroom"] [Estimated actual time: 08:05:18]

DR ET 00:02:22 "Two thuds [from below] as I left the bedroom. [Estimated actual time: 08:05:21]

PR ET 00:00:42 "Two thuds as I left the bedroom." {Estimated actual time: 08:05:21]

The PR file DW_A0989A.wav has verbal notes which continue to describe the activity as it continues which is also recorded on the DR GARY0057B.wav.

The times match perfectly. These have to be tied together like this to make certain that they each coincide. I wanted to correlate these two independent recordings very carefully here because this is an all too familiar pattern of almost daily deliberate disturbance where there are hit/thuds from below just before there is a door slam and bar/grate clanking from below along with the departing voices.

It just so happened that I was leaving the bedroom at this time and had just previously put the DR in the hall to record my bath activity enabling me to record what I heard described in my notes on the PR along with the actual sounds on the DR. The two recorded files synchronise perfectly at the point of departure.

There was also a double thud hit from below that sounded like foot stomping which occurred just a minute before this while I was turning off the camcorder. Again, what I reported on the PR as being heard in the bedroom was recorded on the DR in the hall.

It is important to listen to what these people are saying as they depart as well. I noted on the PR that there was reference to "Psychotic as hell," but when I listen to the faint departing female voice from the Walkway I also get what sounds like "potty." The child makes some comments that are worth noting if they come through when you listen to these sound clips. They appear to refer to the false allegations relating to the set up.

Please note that there has also been extensive verbal abuse [while preparing these Emails] from BS and Lt Harry Bird using the surveillance technology for that purpose with the latter at one point saying "Let me think" as they try to come with explanations which will get around the validity of these hard evidence recordings. Other comments made by them refer to the fact that this is devastating evidence for them.

*****End of the Email*****

4. Night Diary/Log Wednesday 10th October 2007.

PR file DW_A0979.wav

PR 01:56:00 Night I: Wednesday, 10.10.2007. See I'm moving into October finally after ten days. OK well that's it. Everything's running: camcorder, DR, PR. OK, onto the bed.

PR 01:57:16 On my left side for a little sleep here. Somebody's rattling the beads. That's it.

"Doctor," said one of the vigilante types. Yes, they need a doctor. They better get one. They're going to die of a heart attack. Yes, that's right. Cardiac arrest. Heart's gonna collapse. It's all over with. Comes from what they've done all these years. And, now to sleep on my left side, maybe.

PR 01:58:31 "Where is it now," asked a male. It's hidden away where no one will ever find it. Yes, no one will get it at all. Poor people. They'll manufacture one now, watch. Lt Harry Bird has got some letters he's got to plant in here, and then pretend to find them. But, he has to have a legitimate way to come in here, so he can say 'ah, look what I found.'

A. To sleep for one hour and 21 minutes

PR file DW_A0980.wav

PR 03:17:24 Woken up by some mysterious activity. Hardly did a job . . . Having a grand time. OK, back to setting up for the Parkway Car Victory programme. . . . [I'm being a bit facetious here. These phrases are plays upon what Lt Harry Bird and BS often say.]

B. To sleep for one hour and 12 minutes

PR DW_A0981.wav

PR 04:29:03 "Maybe," says Lt Harry Bird. He's looking for something, the Little Squirt, so he said "maybe." [Lt Harry Bird is only five foot five inches tall. This is verified since I've seen him at the easyEverything Internet shop on Kensington High Street in 2001.] Ah, it's cold in here again. Isn't that great? Guess, I'll have to hide under the duvet. OK, well, I guess we're in for cold weather now for the next six months. All right onto my left side. Now, I had this great dream. I'll try to remember a great deal of it here. . . . What was I doing? Yeah, now let's see. . . . seemed to be going to these various places.

[To be continued]

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