Chatter Abuse Surrounding Pretend Raid "Refusal to Prosecute"
Wednesday, 8th September 2010 1007 “I want to chuck him,” BS. Before “Don't you believe it.” General protest by BS/Bird against restraint of their interference. “Join our strike,” last night by BS. Para legal using surveillance; interference in everything; 1010 “I'll handle it,” said BS. “I want him out.” Personal vendetta since 11th May 1998. 1030 “No, I want him out,” BS. 1041 “He attacked me,” said BS. “Blow him up,” said SR. 1052 “He does it at night,” said a female. “You can't do that,” said another female. “I want him served,” said SR. 1055 “[I'll] check it out,” said a male. Another went on about “psychotic.” 1102 “I want an apology,” said BS. That would be an admission of guilt which does not exist and will never happen. She's the abuser bent on retaliation and revenge trying to dress it in sanctity and self righteousness as she climbs the greasy pole of organised crime tenant management. She's got a scholarship to go to school. What is she studying? Para legal? With surveillance whatever it is and extensive criminal activity carrying out torture 24/7/365 for 12+ years so far yet demanding an apology. There have been representations of a “para legal” involved and further activity by apparent solicitors with the surveillance technology. This will bring the legal profession and legal justice system into extreme disrepute. 1115 “[If he colours it,] I'm pulling out,” said BS. 1155 . . . a woman said “At the end of the day, he should be pulled out.” 1201 “What are you looking for?” asked a male. A little later “[We/You] can't do that.” 1202 “Oh, he's sick obviously,” said KW male. 1203 &...
Who killed Bruce Bailey? The head and hands of a woman found by children on a Scottish east coast beach begs the need for a universal DNA database once again for identification purposes.
Police find second hand on beach. A gruesome discovery on an Scottish east coast beach reminds me of the need for a universal DNA database.
Who killed tenant organiser Bruce Bailey in June 1989? This gruesome discovery on a Scottich beach also reminds me of the discovery of the reverse body parts where the head and hands are missing to prevent identification. It is a murder that I believe resulted from a mob hit based upon mistaken identity.
1. Police find second hand on beach. On the east coast of Scotland two children found the gruesome remains on a beach of an apparent gangland slaying: the head of a woman in a plastic bag. The question that comes to my mind involves a universal DNA database to be able to identify such remains so that the police can begin immediate inquiries into all associated with the life of this dead person. Without such a universal database for identification purposes, learning the identity of this woman could be time consuming or even futile. Such an apparent murder needs as much information as fast as is possible to protect the public and track those who would apparently murder and dispose of a body like this.
BBC News Wednesday, 2 April 2008 11:32 UK
Police find second hand on beach
Further forensic examinations will be carried out at the beach
A second hand has been discovered by officers searching a beach where a woman's head was found in a bag.
Two young sisters found the head while playing on Arbroath beach in Angus on Tuesday morning.
The discovery sparked a police search which led to the discovery of the first hand about 50 yards away.
Tayside Police revealed on Wednesday that a second hand had been found on the Seagate beachfront. A search of the area is due to resume after high tide.
. . .
However, Det Ch Insp McMillan said it could be several days before they had the test results which could shed further light on the inquiry.
The woman does not match the records...
I believe that representations of budget "control," i.e., decision making, to NHS patients reflects a "con" to limit budget expenditure while shifting government responsibility and accountability. Such "freedom" of choice is illusionary without funds.
Web Journal Sunday 30th March 2008
Personal NHS budgets considered. Proposals are now being developed to involve patients with chronic/wasting diseases to obtain "control" over treatment decision making following after pilot projects now in place for the elderly and disabled to "control" their social care decisions.
Seems to be a way to limit expenditure. Having experienced tenant management which was predicated on the same principle of "control" over expenditures, I believe that this process allows for budget reductions while shifting responsibility and accountability away from government. Serious abuses of power have been the result from tenant management to the detriment of tenants and residents. What are the implications for NHS health care? In my experience the NHS health care and tenant management abuses are related and intertwined.
Government is in touch - Smith. A Health Minister says the government is out of touch with the basic realities of the working family. The politically motivated Home Secretary pounces on national television to make a verbal counterclaim that the government is in touch. No evidence or facts here just a battle of words and beliefs bandied about at the highest level like know nothing adolescents.
With what is the government in touch? The government is truly out of touch if it cannot use surveillance technology 24/7 for almost a decade and get it right. The problem is that the government is deliberately out of touch supporting voters instead of standards thereby pandering to the criminals and antisocial types. Way to go Home Secretary. 1. Personal NHS budgets considered. While rolling out choice for hospital care, this Labour government is considering budget "control" for patients who have chronic/wasting diseases. Is this the best way to carry out health care, or is there a hidden agenda under the surface which will emerge after all the buzzwords like "freedom" and "choice" ar...
Organised crime as a landlord v tenant mangement. The latter is far worse as a gang of thugs because of government backing and surveillance technology abuse. What about Big Brother reality TV and organised crime films like Goodfellas?
Web Journal Saturday 29th March 2008
Mafia king on the straight and narrow. Henry Hill is back on the streets in his old neighbourhood after 30 years in the witness protection programme. What does it all mean?
Reality TV, Surveillance and Organised Crime. Tenant management is worse than organised crime. How else has nearly a decade of 24/7 surveillance technology abuse been sustained? 1. Mafia king on the straight and narrow. . There's no such thing. Although Goodfellas told it like it was, the film still glorified the violence especially for those who revel in such things. What is interesting about Henry Hill concerns the fact that he was at the centre of it all and turned them all in. That's what happens in the criminal mobs. The least likely one will betray the others to save his/her own skin. Who will it be here? Lt Harry Bird, BS or someone else?
BBC News Saturday, 29 March 2008, 00:07 GMT Mafia king on the straight and narrow
By Heather Alexander BBC News, New York
Hill can now revisit old stomping grounds without fear of retribution Henry Hill's story
GoodFellas was the definitive mafia film - and it is the story of one man, Henry Hill, one of the only survivors of a ruthless gang of robbers and killers.
Hill walked the streets of New York as a king - an associate of the Lucchese crime family. He stole big, he spent big and took vast...
Fire Brigade answers an apparent emergency call. The emergency services have been much abused by those using the surveillance technology against me during the past decade. This is a reminder to me of that abuse and general disregard of the public safety
Web Journal Friday 28th March 2008
London Fire Brigade's well lit presence. A London Fire Brigade truck arrived under my kitchen window this evening responding to an apparent emergency call. 1. London Fire Brigade's well lit presence. Well lit with side safety lighting the London Fire Brigade (also illuminated on the side of the truck) arrives for an apparent emergency call. Apparently, this was not too serious since they departed a few minutes later. They have been abuse by Lt Harry Bird and BS in the past who feel no compunction against calling the London Fire Brigade as part of their continuous abuse to "Get him out" harassment. When someone is removed unwillingly by force from their home, a whole contingent of emergency services are required involving the police, ambulance services and Fire Brigade. Lt Harry Bird have called these individually to "get him out" in the past including the London Fire Brigade who had to tell him to stop until he was really ready to remove me from my home by physical force. Many members of these emergency services have been exasperated by such false emergency calls in the past and expressed their anger upon arrival. During a Fire Brigade strike in the past, Lt Harry Bird called out the police with an emergency call involving me. He was told to stop such calls during the Fire Brigade strike because police services were stretched. He could not see this for himself which was quite obvious to everyone else except BS who supports this abuse of the emergency having called the police thousands of time herself for almost a decade. I do not know why this apparent emergency call was made to the Fire Brigade, but it does reveal the continuous need for this emergency service which is critically important in protecting the lives of people. It's a shame that people like Lt Harry Bird and BS have such a general disregard for the public's safety that they have called the emergency services for n...
One year of surveillance sends 600 police officers to raid a whole North London street and 500 police officers in various raids across the country. What will a decade of surveillance bring in?
Web Journal Thursday 27th March 2008
Raid on street in crime crackdown. After one year of surveillance, 600 police officers raided a North London street with other raids throughout the country. 1. Raid on street in crime crackdown. If one year of surveillance can turn out 600 police officers to take over one street in North London, I'm expecting 6,000 police officers to arrive here after ten years of surveillance this summer. There is no doubt that the surveillance technology use against me 24/7 for a decade is so important and collects so much valuable information that it cannot be stopped since it is so productive. I fully expected a direct proportion of officers responding to the ultimate raid as occurred here today when some 600 officers turned out after a year long surveillance effort. Or, could it be that these surveillance types are so grossly incompetent that everyone is trying to hide that fact? This abuse of power is something spectacular to see. Here these people know they are carrying out surveillance against someone who is totally innocent. Well, I report criminal and antisocial behaviour. They don't want me to do that. Why is it then that so many police officers are involved in a crackdown on a whole North London street to stop crime while these people keep it going? Where are the wires getting crossed? Or, is it that corruption flourishes better and is sustained more easily in North Kensington just like the Isle of Jersey?
BBC NewsThursday, 27 March 2008, 18:58 GMT Raid on street in crime crackdown
Hundreds of police officers in riot gear flooded the road
Hundreds of police officers raided 19 premises on a London street as part of a crackdown on crime.
Some 600 officers sealed off part of Blackstock Road in north London to carry out the raid on Thursday.
Surveillance showed evidence of drug dealing...
Prime Minister Gordon Brown plays fast and loose with facts at PMQs: the highest tax rates were not in the 1980s, and what interest rate was he talking about for 18% in 1990?
Web Journal Wednesday 26th March 2008
Point-by-point: Question time. The focus of attention from the loyal oppostion's leader David Cameron was economic. In an oft repeated reply to a broadside from the Prime Minister about his "arithmetic," David Cameron did his sums for us out loud noting that one Prime Minister plus one Chancellor creates economic problems.
I am continuously amazed that the Prime Minister. In the frenzy of defensive riposte Prime Minister Gordon Brown makes an important misstatement of fact about 1980s' tax rates during PMQ's which requires a public correction and apology from him. 1. Point-by-point: Question time. Although this recount of the important points from Prime Minister's Questions today does not specifically note the "sums" provided by David Cameron it was repeated in news broadcasts on BBC News24 as late as midnight. The dominance of the economic agenda is clearly seen here. I also question Prime Minister Gordon Brown's assertion that interest rates were at 18% in the early 1990s during that period's painful squeeze. As can be seen in this chart, interest rates peaked at 15% in 1990. They were 17% in 1980. They have never been at 18% as measured by the Bank of England's base lending rate. Those interest rates in the market can be higher to which Gordon Brown might very well be referring. When talking about interest rates, it's necessary to specify which interest rate is being described. As can also be seen in this chart, the Tories took over at a time when inflation was running away and had to be controlled. Interest rates had moved up to 14% when the Tories came into office and went up another 3% before coming down again during the 1980s. That inflationary management process using monetary policy control with respect to aggregates led to the initial rise in interest rates before they began their overall decline. What can further be seen, however, is that overall there was a ...
Good Friday and the first day of Spring the Vernal equinox when the length of the day and night are equal as the earth's rotation and orbit places the sun crossing the plane of the earth's equator.
Web Journal Friday 21st March 2008
Brown criticised over embryo bill. Cardinal Keith O'Brien speaks out against embryonic research. This will do a great deal of good for humans. It only uses the cow's egg "shell" with all the DNA removed as a medium in which to grow human DNA. It is not a hybrid.
Neurological research is the real and immediate threat. This is where the real malignant research is located impacting humans in the most extreme negative way with the development of surveillance technology. Why is there such outcry about this medical and scientific research?
US lawmaker demands Tibet inquiry. Nancy Pelosi visits the Dalai Lama in Northern India as part of a preplanned trip supporting him and calling for human rights advocacy against Chinese abuses.
Will Nancy Pelosi demand similar inquiry for the US?. But, why is it that Nancy Pelosi as the third person in line for the presidency in the event of a tragedy has not addressed the same kind of suppressive abuses carried out by the US government when she can effect such an inquiry in Congress? 1. Brown criticised over embryo bill. Why criticise this scientific process when only a cow's egg externals are used to provide a growing means for human embryos? It is beneficial to humans and causes no damage to living people.
BBC News Friday, 21 March 2008, 12:49 GMT Brown criticised over embryo bill
Cardinal O'Brien has written to Gordon Brown with his concerns
The leader of the Catholic church in Scotland has urged Gordon Brown to rethink "monstrous" plans to allow hybrid human-animal embryos.
Cardinal Keith O'Brien will use his Easter Sunday sermon to launch a scathing attack on over the government's controversial proposals.
He will also call on the prime minister to allow Labour MPs a free vote on the issue at Westminster.
Mr Brown has said the bill ...
An example of surveillance technology abuse contributing to antisocial behaviour, i.e., dumping rubbish on the floor creating higher costs along with a safety and health hazard.
Web Journal Tuesday 18th March 2008
Rubbish on floor by front door. Why don't people put the small bags down the rubbish chutes? 1. Rubbish on floor by front door. People do not even put small bags down the rubbish chutes as is noted here near the front door. Why is that? There is a recycle Orange Bag on top slightly to the right. The Council passes these out without charge. Instead of using them for recyclables, this one is used for nonrecyclable rubbish. With crude oil prices hitting $111 per barrel this past week this kind of waste cannot go on for very long. The recycle Orange Bag programme is an excellent one where these Orange Bags are distributed free to to be filled with recyclables and left outside flat doors on Saturday morning for pickup. Under normal usage passing these out free cannot last due to cost, but not using them for recyclables is unconscionable in terms of the need to recycle to save resources which here ignores that and adds to the cost of the recycling programme. The free society in every respect is coming to an end, and here is a key reason why. All the tenants have to pay for those who put their rubbish on the floor since the cleaners come around and have to spend the time to put this rubbish down the chutes. This is a serious problem because their is quite an accumulation of rubbish during the night. It also feeds the vermin. I suspect that the actual cost in terms of extra employee resources required to put this rubbish down the chutes for others day and night is quite significant. The cost for doing so is added to everyone's rent in the form of a service charge for contract cleaning. My cost for such service starting 7th April 2008 will be £3.60 per week. That's £187 per year part of which pays for someone else to pick up this rubbish that some dump on the floor. If I address this problem it is to reduce the cost to all tenants for this added burden with respect t...
Local Control: consider the tone and content of two letters: one from the TMO Chair and one from a suspended director who seeks to challenge that suspension in Tuesday night's TMO Extraordinary General Meeting.
Web Journal Sunday 16th March 2008
TMO Chair cheerleader letter received 03.03.2008. A couple days after receiving the "official" notification for the TMO Emergency General Meeting to be held on Tuesday, 18.03.2008, I received this rah, rah chanting letter from the TMO Chair.
Suspended TMO director responds to the charges. He addressed board election rigging and the rigging of the elections for directors which apparently put him into the bad graces of the power elite among the TMO Board of Directors so that they pulled out the figurative knives which he addresses by a rebuttal letter sent out to the TMO members at the eleventh hour. 1. TMO Chair cheerleader letter received 03.03.2008. On Monday, 3rd March 2008, I received a letter from the Kensington & Chelsea Tenant Management Organisation (TMO) Chair, Juilet Rawlings, in support of the dismissal of the two directors from the board and their dismissal as members of the TMO. I did not like receiving this letter. Its mere receipt had the appearance of a gang of bullies trying to thump this pair into oblivion. The letter read like that too. The have really rolled out the heavy weights to stomp on these two TMO directors including the Leader of the Council as I noted yesterday. The letter with only a date of February 2008 (no day was included) consists of a series of one sentence paragraphs as follows: "Let's get on with the job" it opens in bold face type. What job is that I asked myself thinking about what I've experienced for the past 12 years as discussed in this web journal and my web site. "Your TMO has a lot to get on with in the next year or two." I continued to read this as I note that my balcony has been in a state of disrepair since the first week of June 1998 almost ten years ago. Oh, there was something done in October 2006, but that was never completed. The 84 tiles were not put back onto the balcony floor although it was covered in concrete ove...
Tenant management assesses next year water rates at £5.17 per week for me alone. How much am I paying for the rerouting of my water supply from another water tank nearby? I was refused separate metering a decade ago when Thames Water offered free meters.
Web Journal Saturday 15th March 2008
Minister criticises water costs. Those with unmetered water costs and small households are most likely subsidising unmetered others who use large amounts of water.
Water costs £268 per year for one person. I will be paying £5.17 per week for water for one person an increase of 5.7% starting next month. I was refused free Thames Water meters by tenant management a decade despite two requests.
Sewage costs are part of the water rates. Sewage collection and analysis of all my sewage effluent commenced in December 1999 and went on for years. It might still be occurring for all I know. Who has paid for all of this extraordinary diversion of sewage and its analysis? 1. Minister criticises water costs.
BBC News Saturday, 15 March 2008, 08:26 GMT Minister criticises water costs
People are being urged to install water meters to save money
Environment Minister Phil Woolas has said small households are paying too much for their water, and are subsidising customers with meters.
Water bills are set to rise by about 6% across England and Wales.
Water regulator Ofwat says water meters could be a solution for some customers to help them cut costs.
The government is to review water supplies and charges, which may mean compulsory meters where water is in scarce supply. Minister criticises water costs 2. Water costs £268 per year for one person. My water bill is quite extraordinary. The amount charged is determined by the Tenant Management Organisation (TMO) perhaps in conjunction with the Lancaster West Estate Management Board (EMB). Water metering is centralised and the costs are allocated to individual flats by some means which I can see as being clearly unfair. A recent letter from the TMO informed me that my weekly charge for water will rise from this year's £...
Extraordinary General Meeting Tuesday next for the Kensington & Chelsea Tenant Management Organisation regarding the expulsion of two of its directors. Any organsiation that needs a decade of surveillance technology abuse to sustain itself will collapse.
Web Journal Friday 14th March 2008
RBK&C TMO EGM notification 04.02.2008. Originally, the TMO Company Secretary sent a letter about this Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM). I received the official notification on 1st March 2008 for the 18th March 2008 EGM.
Tenant Management failures amid comprehensive notification. At the point of the July 2003 Audit Commission Housing Inspectorate inspection massive suppressive retaliation and extreme measures from the abuse by surveillance technology to cause physical injury and blindness were carried out against me.
12.03.2008 Leader of the Council Email. I received this extraordinary letter today about the EGM which takes place in a few days on Tuesday next. I sent an immediate Email reply a copy of which is enclosed here. 1. RBK&C TMO EGM notification 04.02.2008. An organisation that survives by using surveillance technology 24/7 for a decade to suppress dissent and truth in reporting problems is an organisation that will eventually collapse. The Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea Tenant Management Organisation (TMO) is one such entity that is coming apart. Last fiscal year it posted an unlawful £200,000 deficit. Currently, the Board of Directors is attempting to remove two of its directors and deprive them of membership in the TMO. There will be an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) this Tuesday, 18th March 2008 at 1930 at the Great Hall at Kensington & Chelsea Town Hall, Horton Street, Kensington W8, for members to vote on these expulsions. I first heard of this problem in a letter dated 4th February 2008 (received 6th February 200 from the TMO Company Secretary announcing the EGM and outlining what was to be addressed (four resolutions) and urging that I follow the Board of Directors recommendation and vote in favour of all the four resolutions. The letter promised that more information would be forthcoming along with the official notification o...
British talent successful in the US appears to be resented and osctracised in the UK. Why is this? More on House with Hugh Laurie's apparent "snub" in the UK. House is relevant to surveillance technology: they invade people's homes!
Web Journal Wednesday 12th March 2008
Laurie 'snubbed' after US success. Hugh Laurie who plays Dr Gregory House seems to have been shut out of job opportunities in his native Britain.
Why is this happening to the best from Britain?. It has happened to Minnie Drive as well some fifteen years ago. Does anyone remember Chatsky at the Almeida theatre in March and April 1993 where its hero "tells the truth and is branded a lunatic?"
Being rich 'should be celebrated'. It doesn't matter how the wealth was accumulated as long as its there, huh? Sorry folks, I'd rather be broke and honest, thank you very much. What happens to those who speak the truth like Chatsky?
Gordon Brown committed to entrepreneur activity? Nonsense. Greed, glory and power? Yes. This is the back hander, back door government. What is it really doing?
Grim prospect for economic growth. It's far worse than grim. The growth star is going to flame out.
'borrow to get ourselves out of this'. Borrow and spend. Where will it end? 1. Laurie 'snubbed' after US success. Having commented upon House, recently this added item appeared yesterday about Hugh Laurie who plays the part of Dr House. Why is it that success has a negative impact on Britains in their homeland? What is it about the British who reject those who go overseas and achieve success?
BBC News Tuesday, 11 March 2008, 10:36 GMT Laurie 'snubbed' after US success
Hugh Laurie has won two Golden Globes for his role in House
Actor Hugh Laurie has said Britain has turned its back on him since he became a success in US TV serial House.
The award-winning star told the Radio Times the hours on the show are "relentless" and he has not been offered any work in his home country.
"The door slammed behind me, and that's it. There's a notion that I've sold out," said the performer.
Laurie ...
"Proconsul" Fallon has resigned taking early retirement. Will Bush now try to invade Iran before the the election before he leaves office? What are the implications if he does so about power in the White House? What will John McCain do?
Web Journal Tuesday 11th March 2008
US Mid-East commander steps down. Admiral Fallon falls on his sword.
The Man Between War and Peace. The Esquire article about Admiral Fallon's dissent.
Central banks fight credit crisis. Massive US election year intervention in the financial markets by central banks in North America and Europe means the problems are very serious indeed. Nothing like this has ever happened before. Does this reflect a desperate effort to push on a string? 1. US Mid-East commander steps down. The news hit the wires tonight that the Central Command's commander had resigned. A US "Proconsul" [see Dana Priest's The Mission, W W Norton, New York London, 2004 about how the US military has divided the world for its military and foreign policy initiatives: Chapter 3: The Cincs: Proconsuls to the Empire) was forced out over his dissenting views about invading Iran. What will follow?
BBC News Tuesday, 11 March 2008, 22:13 GMT US Mid-East commander steps down
Adm Fallon became head of US Central Command in March 2007
The commander of US forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, Admiral William Fallon, is to retire from his post early.
He cited the "embarrassing situation and public perception of differences between my views and administration policy" as the reason for retiring.
He was the subject of a recent article by Esquire magazine, which said he was opposed to the use of force against Iran over its nuclear programme.
The 63-year-old admiral became head of the US Central Command a year ago. US Mid-East commander steps down 2. The Man Between War and Peace. Here's the full Esquire article that summed up Admiral Fallon's position and liability to the Bush Administration.
Esquire March 11, 2008, 3:11 PM The Man Between War and Peace By Thomas P.M. Barnett As the White House talked up conflict with Iran, ...
Obstruction attempt in Jersey by former police revealed. Five US military personnel killed by suicide bomber on the street in Baghdad. Why aren't they using the "see through" technology being touted by the UK government for security?
Web Journal Monday 10th March 2008
Ex-police 'thwarted' Jersey probe. Jersey cover up tentacles continue to reach out with former police officers now alleged to be obstructing the investigation to cover up their "failure" in the past.
Baghdad bomb kills five US troops. US military on the street in Baghdad are targeted by a suicide bomber. This threat and its execution will never go away regardless of any "surge."
Camera 'looks' through clothing. Here's another "Son of Tempest" emerging into the public domain. It detects the radiation emitted by the human body and maps it. Those object which do not emit electromagnetic radiation are observed in their absence. Why isn't the US military using this in Iraq to detect suicide bombers? 1. Ex-police 'thwarted' Jersey probe. First, there was the intimidation of the abused children now adults to try to keep them from telling their stories. Now, apparently former police officers have been trying to obstruct the current investigation to "hide" what they did not do in earlier days. It sounds like the cover up is more than valid and still alive and well explaining why this went on for decades.
BBC News Monday, 10 March 2008, 13:17 GMT Ex-police 'thwarted' Jersey probe
Forensic experts will start searching a second cellar this week
The man leading the investigation into alleged abuse at a former children's home in Jersey says retired officers have tried to obstruct the inquiry.
Deputy Chief Officer Lenny Harper told the BBC some had attempted to cover up their own failure to investigate complaints of child abuse.
He said his priority remained the alleged victims, but he would also look into complaints against the police.
More than 100 people claim to have been abused there in the 1970s and 1980s.
Up to 25 people are suspected of having taken part in sexual and physical ...
Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) along with CSI, Numb3rs and House are all extraordinary good science based investigation/diagnosis programmes, but NCIS has a special relevance to this web journal and my experience.
Web Journal Sunday 9th March 2008
Television's science based crime investigations. These dramatic fictional renditions of the criminal investigation units based upon forensic science are fascinating, educational and thoroughly enjoyable. But, what exactly are such entities as the NCIS?
Surveillance technology criminal activity by US Marines. A copy of an Email sent to the real NCIS to bring to their attention for investigation the criminal activity of US Marines Colonel Vine, Lt Harry Bird and others. 1. Television's science based crime investigations. Credit has to go the writers who dream up the marvellous dialogue of these programmes, the actors who carry their lines off with great skill and, well, just about everyone who has put together this genre of criminal investigation programmes. Here's why I am fascinating by them which takes on an added dimension from my personal experience during the last seven years (decade in total) 24/7 by those from the US military, namely, the US Marines. To what organisation(s) are they connected and why are they operating in the UK completely unfettered by any restraint whatsoever? Does this reflect the real NCIS run amok, or should the real NCIS be called in? Last night's television was quite interesting. I enjoy watching NCIS, CSI, Numb3rs and House (as already noted). By the way that House programme entitled Deception dealing with Munhausen's syndrome I discussed earlier this week will be on Five US (Freeview 35) once again tonight at 1800. I like these programmes because they deal with fact based upon scientifically derived information eliminating as much of the emotional nonsense as possible.«/p>
This does not mean that the emotional side of crimes and interactions between characters does not appear dramatically or in crime solving, but for the most part there is a foundation in scientific derived fact (knowledge) from which to determine conclusions. Each of these ...
The violent personality causes problems all around in the UK from verbal abuse against the military to institutionalised child abuse while the surveillance technology abuse by child abusers continues against me. What will happen in the spring of 2008?
Web Journal Thursday 28th February 2008
Restraints on children 'must end'. Institutionalised child abuse emerges once again in the UK in private detention facilities with approved methods of brutality intended to cause pain.
'Distraction Techniques' are a euphemism for violence. You can "distract" someone by knocking them out cold. What people try to get away with by putting an acceptable name on it.
Brown condemns no-uniform advice. It's very serious when those in military uniform are verbally abused for serving their country.
Military service personnel should wear uniforms 24/7. Be aware of the problems associated with intransigence and polarisation that can occur when the extremists incite and provoke. 1. Restraints on children 'must end'. Fortunately, this institutionalised child abuse has emerged, but my questions are how did it get started and how long has it been happening?
BBC News Friday, 7 March 2008, 07:11 GMT Restraints on children 'must end'
The UN says pain should not be used as a form of control
There must be an end to painful restraint methods used on children in custody, MPs and peers have demanded. There is no excuse for the "unacceptable" use of violence on children as young as 12, the Joint Human Rights Committee said.
Its report on privately run detention facilities said changes to guidance effectively gave staff free rein to use violence to enforce discipline.
The Ministry of Justice said it was reviewing the use of restraints. Restraints on children 'must end' 2. 'Distraction Techniques' are a euphemism for violence. The following Email was also sent to my MP, the Justice Department and the Joint Committee on Human Rights (JCHR). Although it is laudable that the JCHR has taken lead on this institutionalised child abuse, why is it that all my communications for a decade about similar ab...
Deja Vu: children are not safe at home or in "inspected" nurseries either. Again, another "have-a-go" citizen tries to break up a fight involving his bullied son and is stabbed to death yesterday afternoon. The 21/7/2005 would-be bombers appeal
Web Journal Wednesday 5th March 2008
Father jailed for murdering son. A father loses it over the loss of his wife and murder's his four-year-old son and stabs his 14-year-old daughter 13 times. She survived.
UK children rescued from sex ring. The police rescue these eight children who had been sexually abused inside their own homes and paraded on the Internet where there photographs were used as a form of currency.
Whistleblower raises child safety fears. Child minders and private nurseries are not up to standards to ensure that children are safe and cared for well. Inspectors are told not to look closely as exposed tonight on BBC One's The Whistleblower at 8:00pm.
Son link in fatal park stabbing. It appears that this father had intervened on behalf of his son some months earlier and was set upon yesterday by a group who killed him after receiving a distress call from his son that he was being bullied.
Stab victim's police call probed. The father of five who was killed defending his son from bullies noted in the above article called the police before his death. The police have called in the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) to investigate.
21 July bomb plotters seek appeal. The "dud" bombers, some of whom are local to this area, started a two-day appeal today against their sentence from an earlier trial. 1. Father jailed for murdering son. Was he jealous of his son blaming him for losing his wife and took it out on his daughter at the same time he went into a violent rage? This father's life was crumbling. It could not have occurred in an instant and must have been building for a long time. There had to be signs and warnings that people should have recognised to prevent this murder and serious injury. Why wasn't this detected and reported?
BBC News Wednesday, 5 March 2008, 14:48 GMT Father jailed for murdering son
A day in the news about threats to children: two attempted abductions, a missing child and infanticide. Why is it that those in authority provided surveillance technology to the child abusers to use indefinitely 24/7 against the person who reported it?
Web Journal Tuesday 4th March 2008
Warnings over child snatch bids. Two young girls in Birmingham have managed to escape possible kidnapping from the street in Birmingham by a different man in each instance.
Who gave surveillance technology to the child abusers?. Report child abuse to protect children and find yourself subjected to surveillance technology in the hands of those reported for child abuse. No wonder child abuse and the threat to children flourish.
Detectives profile Shannon's DNA. Shannon Matthews disappeared coming home from school eight days ago. Was she snatched from the street too?
Pair guilty of litter row killing. Addressing antisocial behaviour results in the death of a 23-year-old man who hit his head on the pavement after being struck. He never regained consciousness from the ensuing coma and died eight days later. Head injuries are quite serious and potentially fatal but no one guards against them.
Man jailed for murdering baby son. Did anyone hear the cries of this infant during its eight weeks of life? What would have happened if someone had reported what sounded like child abuse? They found old and new injuries after the infant died.
Further comments on House and Munchausen. I carried on a bit from yesterday's ending of my discussion about House and this Munchausen episode called Deception. 1. Warnings over child snatch bids. Two young girls subjected to attempted kidnapping from the street by two different men at different times and locations in Birmingham. This reflects how bold and dangerous those who threaten children can be. It is stunning that this happens like this and has to be frightening for the entire UK especially considering my experience during the past decade after reporting child abuse.
BBC News Tuesday, 4 March 2008, 13:15 GMT Warnings over child snatch bids
The 12-year-o...
From the top to the bottom: here's an explicit example of the result from inciting antisocial behaviour in children and the "wall of silence" I meet when trying to report it properly to those in authority. This is where antisocial behaviour starts.
Web Journal Monday 3rd March 2008
Jersey care home 'full of fear'. A woman describes her 1972 experience while working for two months at Haut de la Garenne in Jersey. "When Mrs Bowker, who now lives in Tasmania, tried to tell people about her suspicions, she said she was met with a "wall of silence"."
Neglecting children's welfare on an institutional basis. Hardened and cold tenant management blocks Email reporting thus turning a blind eye to child abuse from adults who incite and allow child antisocial behaviour thereby neglecting the welfare of children.
Walkway antisocial behaviour by small children. Here's a copy of the blocked Email with a few sound files attached reflecting the "wall of silence" I am meeting in the way that Ms Bowker described. However, that "wall of silence" from those in authority allows the extreme abuse to continue against me.
He has to be monitored. This declaration made frequently by Lt Harry Bird reflects his efforts to sustain the 24/7 abuse from the use of the surveillance technology for his own cover up objectives while blaming the victim/target. This almost decade long 24/7 surveillance technology 24/7 monitoring for control purposes is unacceptable in any western civilised democracy, yet it is allowed to continue unabated in North Kensington, London, UK. Is this what Prince Harry has been fighting for in Afghanistan?
Child poverty targets 'will fail'. As long as the government puts surveillance technology at the disposal of child abusers to destroy underclass environments, they are not behaving rationally to expect that child poverty will be adequately addressed as I have discussed today.
Muchausen on House aka Deception. This was portrayed on tonight's episode and will be well worth watching if you can when it is rebroadcast this week on Five US (Freeview 35) on Thursday 06 March: 8:00pm - 9:00pm and Sunday 09 March: 6:00pm - 7:00pm 1. Jersey care home 'full of fear'. The atmos...
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